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How to optimize your landing page conversion rate in 5 steps


You’ve perfected your ads. You’re driving leads to your landing page. But you’re not seeing those efforts translate into sales. The good news? This is one of the most common issues we see in sales funnels and it’s easily solved by optimizing your landing page conversion rate.

In this article, you’ll learn how to optimize your landing pages to increase conversions and which best practices the most high-converting pages follow.

Is landing page conversion rate optimization worth it?

If you want to increase the return on investment from your marketing efforts, then yes! Applying the practice of conversion rate optimization (CRO) to your landing pages will help you turn more website visitors into paying customers.

What is a good landing page conversion rate?

A general benchmark for a strong conversion rate is around 10-12%. But this varies hugely depending on factors like your industry, target market, price point, product type, and even the time of year. 

What is my landing page’s conversion rate?

Before you start optimizing, use this formula to work out your page’s current conversion rate:

[Number of conversions] / [Number of visitors] X 100 = Landing page conversion rate

For example, if your landing page generated 149 conversions from 2115 visitors last month, your conversion rate was 7%. 

5 steps to optimize your landing page conversion rates

1. Analyze your landing page’s performance

Most of the best landing page builders come with comprehensive analytics to help you optimize your page effectively. Heyflow’s built-in analytics tab, for example, gives you valuable insights on visitor behavior, like where they drop off, what devices they use, and what times they visit. You can also include live user testing. This can be as simple as asking a friend or colleague to perform a task on your landing page, like signing up for your free trial, and watching how they interact with the page and where they get stuck. 

2. Use these insights to make small tweaks

Based on the data you’ve gathered in step 1, this might include tweaking headline copy, trying a different call-to-action (CTA), repositioning your CTA button, trying different images, or adjusting your colors. Limit yourself to one or two changes so you can clearly track how each change impacts your conversion rate.

3. A/B test different versions of your landing page

Now it’s time to test the new version of your landing page against the original. This is known as “A/B testing” or “split testing”. In Heyflow, you can even create an A/B test directly within the platform, without needing to integrate any third-party A/B testing tool.

How long it takes to see significant results will depend on various factors, like the volume of traffic to your landing page and how warm your leads are.

4. Analyze the results

Revisit your analytics and compare how the two pages performed. Did your tweaks increase your landing page’s conversion rate? Or do you need to go back and optimize something else? Implement what worked. Scrap what didn’t. 

5. Rinse and repeat! 

If you’re serious about optimizing your landing page conversions, regular A/B testing needs to be a part of your strategy. This will help you respond to changes in user behavior and search intent, e.g. with new trends or seasonal changes, and find new opportunities to target your most high-converting leads.

Tips & best practices for high-converting landing pages

Get to the point above the fold

The more work visitors have to do on your page, the less likely they are to convert. That’s why optimizing the main headline, body copy, and CTA button visitors see before they scroll (also referred to as “above the fold”) will heavily influence your conversion rate. Does the content in this section speak to your target customer’s main pain point or desire? Does it feel like a logical progression from the ad or link that brought them to this page? If you’re not sure which messaging resonates most with your audience, try A/B testing some different headlines.

Choose one clear call-to-action

While it might be tempting to include multiple CTAs to cater to every visitor, focusing on one clear call-to-action will reduce the decision-making load on your leads and keep them on the path to conversion. Make sure the CTA you choose resonates with your audience and their interests. According to HubSpot, personalized CTAs convert 202% better than basic ones, so it’s a good idea to optimize your CTA messaging as you get to know your audience. 

Make it interactive

Don’t start with a boring landing page! Use interactive pages that make customers feel like they are in the right place with content that guides them through their buying journey. These can include multi-step forms, quizzes, maps, and video content – all elements that savvy brands use to boost conversion rates. Learn more about interactive landing pages and how to build them (with examples).

Show off your social proof

Your happy customers are your best salespeople! And including their words, in the form of text or video testimonials, could boost your conversion rate by around 30%. An essential part of your landing page optimization strategy, testimonials are a great way to build trust with visitors, especially if you’re targeting cold leads who are new to your brand.

Heyflow is a great tool for product builders and marketers alike, whether it’s for early-testing or market validation. It’s quick to implement, easy to use, and offers a high degree of customization, which helps generate learnings fast.

Nick Mulder

Nick Mulder

Founder & CEO


Final thoughts

Whatever your goal or budget, optimizing your landing pages should be a regular part of your sales and marketing strategy. It’s all about learning, testing, and refining, so you can continually increase those conversion rates as you go. With our easy drag-and-drop builder, built-in analytics and custom design options, Heyflow has everything you need to create and optimize landing pages that convert. Start your 14-day free trial today.