Here’s how insurance
businesses are
winning with Heyflow

From scale-ups to Fortune 500 companies across various industries worldwide, over 2,000 businesses are already converting website visitors more effectively and propelling their lead generation. Discover below how our customers overcome challenges using Heyflow.

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CiscoAxaBCG Digital VenturesForbesSaas GroupRocket MortgageAllianzCentury 21

How Dan Carpenter managed to generate more high-quality leads for his clients

Meet Dan. Lead generation is at the heart of his business, because he collects and sells them to relevant partners. With Heyflow, he is able to:

  • Optimize his flows effectively, thanks to the integrated drop-off analytics that show him what questions are causing dropouts and need to be revised. Improved flows = more flow submissions = more business for Dan.
  • Customize his flows however needed and this way give them a professional look & feel, which helps lend credibilty to his business.
  • Pre-qualify and segment leads for his partners, by getting additional information from users in his flows, making those leads even more valuable.
  • Improve the experience on his site by embedding flows seamlessly, making them feel native .

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