
Integrate & Automate

Connect Heyflow with all your favorite tools to save time and costs, and facilitate a seamless experience for both your leads and your team.
These native integrations help you with lead nurturing and personalized outreach.


Create contacts directly from Heyflow responses in your Salesforce CRM, and create workflows based on the information you collect.



Send flow answers directly to your HubSpot CRM to highly personalize your sales and marketing activities from there.

Hubspot logo


Maximize your conversion rates by integrating Heyflow’s conversion-optimized flows with HighLevel’s powerful sales and marketing automation tools.

HighLevel Logo


Manage your leads with Pipedrive CRM by simply adding your API key.

Pipedrive logo

Google Sheets

Automatically insert new responses into any google sheet to filter, sort and enrich your incoming leads with ease.

Google Sheets logo


Get Slack notifications for new heyflow submits, in any channel, to get a quick ping whenever leads and candidates come in.

Slack logo


Create a new row in Airtable for each response from your flow, and further process them from there.

Airtable logo


Recruitee empowers great teams to grow together. Send your candidate data from Heyflow straight into your HR tool.

Recruitee logo

Email repliesBuilt-in

Automatically send your visitors a personalized email after they submit. Custom SMTP available.

Email replies

Agency PortalBuilt-in

Stand out from other agencies by launching your own white-label CRM system.

Agency portal

Looking for something different?

Since we know that every customer is as individual as a fingerprint, we offer integrations and solutions tailored to your specific needs. We'll work closely with you to understand your business and develop solutions that meet your unique requirements.

Jenna from customer support team

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